to Glorify God by bringing Kingdom to the nations through discipleship and generosity.


To be the best the local ice cream shop in North Dakota and to provide connection to families, inspiration to the community and impact to the world.


The world knows FOMO as “Fear Of Missing Out” which makes sense, however, this is not the true meaning of the FOMO 10/40 CREAMERY. FOMO stands for  “Focused On Missions Overseas” and “10/40” stands for this specific window of latitude of 10 degrees and 40 degrees north of the equator. This specific area of the world is home to the largest number of unreached people groups. Unreached people groups are simply those who have never heard the name of Jesus, don’t have access to a church or even a Bible in their language. Not only that, but those who live in this area of the world are often highly persecuted and even killed for their faith in Jesus. To learn more about the 10/40 window and the unreached visit the Joshua Project.

FOMO 10/40 has a desire to invest in believers overseas in unreached areas, helping them start small businesses to bring lasting change to their communities and hope to the darkest areas of the world. Some of the small businesses overseas that could be successful are as simple as vineyards, purified water, ice, goats, jams, coffee, or ice cream. The problem is they have no one or no way to get started. Overall, each country and city has its unique needs, but being able to invest in the nations of the world gives FOMO 10/40 a huge opportunity for impact and purpose.

For those who are hurting, broken, beaten down, have no hope. Our creamery wants to help by partnering with local believers in launching small businesses in areas of the world where the name of Jesus can not be spoken openly because of persecution. It is as simple as bringing light to the darkness and hope for a whole community of people.

Imagine not having clean water,  but because someone had a water purifier the whole community could have pure water to drink. Imagine your son or daughter not being able to participate in a local soccer club because they believed in Jesus. However, because someone was willing to start their own soccer academy, everyone could be accepted on the team. Business allows change to happen by bringing benefit to those around them and this is a hope for FOMO 10/40 as it grows and develops over time. FOMO 10/40 believes that business is a key to transforming lives, communities, and nations.


Family. Bringing families closer together, providing a place for genuine connection and fun.

Community. Inspiring our community to dream and helping them understand they can make a difference in our world. 

World. Starting small businesses in closed countries in order to bring light to the darkness.

Integrity. What is on the inside - thoughts, attitudes, desires, passions - is what is lived out on the outside.

Excellence. Going above and beyond the normal standard and striving to reach the highest level.

Service. Providing exceptional authentic services to anyone who comes in contact with FOMO 10/40 Creamery.

Stewardship. Managing what God has given us to the best of our ability, not wasting or squandering wealth, but using it to create more that others may benefit. 


Started in Bismarck, North Dakota FOMO 10/40 CREAMERY was founded in 2019 by Andrew Hershey after spending a year traveling around the world doing missions work. For Andrew, it’s more than just ice cream, it about making a difference in the world. During his time abroad he discovered how business was so essential for life. Making connections with leaders all around the world he found that small businesses can transform communities and lives.

When Andrew was 9 years old he was on a little league baseball team in Ellison Bay, Wisconsin. They lost every game back in 2003, but the memories of getting ice cream with his team were never forgotten! The desire to bring families together, to dream about life, to make the hard days less hard, and the good days even better. Ice cream has a way of bringing people together and to experience the little joys of life. With a heart to make a difference in families, the local community, and in the world, ice cream becomes more than just a treat on a hot summer day!

